Big Ideas; Small Communities
Allen Ginsberg “Howl” - I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness,starving hysterical naked,dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn lookingfor an angry fix,
Legacy > Currency
Why Bill Walsh is my hero. Years ago, my friends Frank Gruber and Eric Olson launched the first ever Tech Cocktail Conference in Chicago.
Final Blurb on Graphicly
I still can remember my first book. It was a hand me down with crumbled corners and a ripped page or two, but it was Mine. In fact, I think that might have been the title, since whenever I began to chant “Mine! Mine! Mine!” my mom would put that book in my lap, and I would quiet down and smile.
Celebrating Me
I’ve always hated therapy. For the six years I went weekly, I would always be exactly 8 minutes late. It didn’t seem to matter when I left my house, or how bad the traffic was, at eight minutes past the hour, I would blow into my therapists office, throw myself on his couch and mutter a brief and very robotic, “I’m sorry.”
Babu’s Last Story
For about a week before my Grandmother (who I called Babu) passed away, she was in the hospital. I hate hospitals almost more than I hate police stations. Both are places where you are out of control. Where others control everything, and you can only hope to escape unchanged.
Girl Villagers Break Werewolf
Yeah, you fell for the clickbait. This morning while researching another post, I caught up with my Kickstarter updates and was excited to see one from Ted, who runs a company in my home town of San Jose, CA that makes the definitive Werewolf deck.
Ripping Stories
During high school, I was a punk. I was the class clown, but not in an attention gathering way, but in a both smart and pain in the -ass kinda way. In my senior year, my English teacher placed me and my two partners in smart-assedness in a single row of desks. “Welcome to delinquent row,” he would say every day I walked in to the room.
Books, Books Everywhere
The future of publishing is in the hands of the authors. This morning word broke that my friends at Foundry Group had launched FG Press. As someone who has worked in the publishing space for the past four years it’s been exciting watching the evolution of publishing and how technologists view their ability to fix the apparent inefficiencies.
The Collision of Community
How the folks using WUT, Jelly and Secret are the same. I, like you, have spent my entire life inside a community. Our communities may have been located in different geographies, but the rules governing the growth and health of those communities was likely the same.
Passion Kills
The most overused word in Startupland. At the first Big Omaha, I was excited to speak. I had spent weeks planning my talk. It was on a subject that was very important to me: Failure. My message, which is simple, was failure was not a destination. Losing was. And entrepenuers are not losers. The next morning, I was the second speaker up, following Jason Fried (founder of the recently renamed Basecamp).
Jelly: The User Rope-a-Dope
A week or so ago I was talking to Josh Elman about Jelly. “What do you think?” he asked. “I dunno. It feels like they are throwing the ‘user rope-a-dope.’”
I Don’t Believe
And fuck you too. I don’t believe. But, I’ve worked so hard. I can’t see it. But, *I* believe so much. No. But…What’s wrong with you?
Exploding Startups
Yesterday, Google bought Nest for $3.2B. Today, I spoke to a half dozen entrepreneurs that saw that as a sign that their companies had real potential to exit large (maybe not Nest large, but large nonetheless.) Those entrepreneurs are idiots. As are most of us.
I Hate Being an Entrepreneur
I moved Graphicly to San Francisco today. It wasn’t a deliberate move, more opportunistic. It was an opportunity to put all of our engineers and product folks into a room after years of various configurations and give them the simple directive of “Build.”
Barbells and Experiments
Dying VCs are Great for Entrepreneurs. It was an exciting moment. The first episode of the new season of Justified was on iTunes. I bought the season pass and sat down excited to watch Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder convince me that moving to Kentucky to drink Bourbon and shoot people was an actual “thing.”
The Perfect Month
How to make perfection out of improvisation. One of my favorite people in the world, Buster Benson, spends a fair amount of time trying to understand motivation and how it connects to health and happiness.
Hi God, It’s Me. Ha!
Religion sucks. Having a weird name with a weird pronunciation sucks some times. Ring, ring. “Hello.” “Hi, I’m looking for Mee-Kah, My-kah, Miiiiii-fuck, I have no idea.” “That’s me.”
Don’t Lie. You Don’t Care.
It began simply enough. A post in my Facebook feed that was interesting enough that I wanted to click on it. After all, who doesn’t want to learn more about Satan worship and its effect on housing pricing?
The Thin Line Between Creation
Last night, as I do most Sunday nights, I was catching up with all the shows I like to watch on Hulu. I wont bore you with the list, but lets just say that at least one includes a talking rabbit, another a talking robot, and yet another a barely talking human.
Being Fired as Man of the House
“Don’t give me that mom shit.” I was settled into my familiar spot on the couch. A couch that for the past six years I had sit in weekly. The same cheap art hung on the wall. The same laughable iMac that looked like it was from 2003 sat on his desk. “Why does it always have to be about my mom?”